Is Youtooz the place where Gale will finally be able to free himself of the corruption that flows through him? Well, probably not... But he's definitely here for his vinyl debut! With a thin smile raising through his thick brown beard as he stands at 4.8 inches tall and pulls a swirling blue spell from the pages of the yellow book held in his right hand, he raises a devious eyebrow as his long brown hair is slicked back and runs down to his shoulders. Dressed in elegant purple robes with patterned shoulders and a brown belt at the waist, a long staff is strapped to his back as the most adorable calico Tressym, Tara, sits at his front with her wings outstretched. The exterior of his packaging sees Gale standing in front of his tent in the campground, while the interior is covered in light blue clouds over a darkened speckled background. The protective sleeve then shows off the flaming entrance to a stone crypt as his figure can be seen through the large clear window at the packaging's front. This collectible ships in a matte, embossed, protective outer sleeve and a custom sized plastic protector for maximum protection during shipping.